Floor Slip And Fall - Insured

  PDF (16KB) Statement Guides

This document is a comprehensive guide designed for adjusters to conduct recorded interviews with insured individuals involved in slip and fall incidents. It outlines a structured interview process to capture all necessary details of the incident, including:

  • Permission and Identification: Verification of interview consent and the identification of the insured.
  • Employment: Employment status and details relevant to the incident.
  • Incident Date, Location, & Weather: Detailed circumstances of the incident, including specific location, weather conditions, and any contributing factors.
  • Incident Details: A thorough exploration of the incident, focusing on activities at the time of the fall, the cause of the fall, and any obstacles or environmental conditions contributing to the incident.
  • Witnesses: Identification and statements from any witnesses to the incident.
  • Police Investigation / Post Incident Discussions: Details of any official investigations and reports filed.
  • Injuries: Information on injuries sustained during the incident and subsequent medical attention.
  • Previous Incidents: Any history of similar incidents at the location.
  • Closing: Final queries to ensure all information provided is accurate and comprehensive, with acknowledgment of the recorded interview.

This guide aims to ensure adjusters collect all relevant information to accurately assess the slip and fall claim, contributing to a fair and efficient claim process.

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