Omega Forensic brings decades of experience to forensic investigations. From residential to commercial inspections, we are known for our technical expertise, our objectivity, and our clear and concise opinions.
We schedule our inspections promptly and conduct them professionally, collecting all relevant data and recording our observations on site. After evaluating the evidence, we determine the cause of damage or failure and formulate an expert opinion about the damage claim.
We communicate the information we’ve collected in an illustrated full-color report. Reports may be abbreviated or even verbal to reduce time and cost, but complete field data is always kept on file for any future need.
We investigate the following:
Damage To Flooring Water Damage and Mold Plumbing Failures Structural Damage Roof Damage Fire and Electrical Construction Defects Personal Injury
Whether prompted by wind, hail, flood, fire, vibration or explosion, property claims sometimes raise questions that require a professional expert’s opinion. Omega Forensic provides efficient on-site expert assessment of property damage.
Omega personnel will document a loss in a manner that meets accepted standards of forensics and evidence, and will provide accurate reports with clearly stated opinions based on the evidence. Whether fire or weather damage, catastrophe or accidental, Omega is uniquely equipped to serve your needs in Florida.
Our wide range of services also extends to workmans compensation, contract administration, and due diligence pre-purchase surveys. Contact us for more information about all that we can do.