Hurricane Michael Claims Paid Rise 28% To $2.6B: Florida Regulator

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 Catastrophe Property

The tally of insurance claims paid after recent hurricane Michael’s impacts on Florida has increased by almost 28% in a week to reach $2.6 billion, according to the latest data from the regulator for the state. The data is based on claims information filed by insurers, collected and analysed by the state regulator, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (FLOIR). Just a week ago the total only sat at just over $2 billion, but has now reached almost $2.6 billion, as of Monday 5th October, an increase of 28% in just seven days. The data is based on claims information filed by insurers, collected and analysed by the state regulator, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (FLOIR). ver $2 billion, but has now reached almost $2.6 billion, as of Monday 5th October, an increase of 28% in just seven days.

External References & Further Reading
SOS Ladder AssistAspen Claims ServiceMid-America Catastrophe ServicesWeller SalvageAspen Claims Service

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