Contents Solutions Inc.(CSI) realizes that the personal property adjusting in the carrier claim industry is essential. When an insured reports a claim, you need reliable, experienced adjusters as well as dedicated professionals to mitigate and manage the contents portion of the loss. Contents claims are normally the second largest payment on any large property loss. Large contents losses often take months to adjust given the traditional method of the insured or public adjuster preparing and pricing the entire inventory.
You need professionals who will conduct a thorough count on repairable and non-repairable contents with an accurate assessment based on like kind and quality. This is what we do! We are Contents Solutions, Inc.(CSI) a team of professionals located in New York metropolitan area and serving the tri-state area.
Our goal is to build a reputation on our commitment in the worst of circumstances because, that’s when it really matters. While the services we perform may be temporary to each claim they will have an everlasting effect on the ones we serve.
We are the benchmark in efficiency, morality and ethics.
We take pleasure in our work. It is our job to aid in the prompt & fair resolution of your personal property claim, so your policyholder(s) can begin to rebuild their life to their pre-loss condition immediately.
We understand the ups and downs, the advantages and disadvantages of each aspect of our profession, and understand the need for superior customer service and the maintenance of quality files.
We are proud to have one of the most rewarding jobs there is, helping your policyholders in their time of need and assisting your adjusters to resolve/settle their personal property contents claim proficiently, efficiently and cost effectively.
We are Contents Solutions Inc. (CSI) where your personal property claim is handled in a cost efficient and effective manner.